Market Reports

Als begleitender Partner beobachten natürlich auch wir genau die Entwicklungen auf dem Markt. Was sind Trends, wo liegen die aktuellen Herausforderungen? In unseren Market Reports erfahren Sie mehr.

Übersicht Market Reports

Compensation Report 2024

Compensation Report 2024

In our most recent compensation report we summarised offers accepted by Technology executives for the period of last year (between 01.01.2023 and 31.12.2023).
CMO Market Report 2024

CMO Market Report 2024

In this market report we analyse current trends and topics in the DACH market with focus on the Chief Marketing Officer Role.
CPO Market Report 2023

CPO Market Report 2023

In this market report we will analyse current trends and topics in the DACH market with focus on the Chief Product Officer Role.
CRO Market Report 2023

CRO Market Report 2023

In this market report we will analyse current trends and topics in the DACH market with focus on the Chief Revenue Officer Role.
Gender Diversity Report 2023

Gender Diversity Report 2023

In this Gender Diversity report, we are discussing strategies of diversity and inclusivity in the current climate. We share our own insights, statistics and include the voices of DEI experts.
CFO Market Report 2023

CFO Market Report 2023

In this market report we will analyse current trends and topics in the DACH market with focus on the Chief Financial Officer Role.
Unterhaltung von zwei Männern und einer Frau

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